Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Went Crazy: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

I've officially tried to read One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest twice now. And, I gave up. I think I made it a whooping 40 pages in before I gave up. The book is on lists deeming it a classic, and I think I'll have to wait a while to see if it really holds up to those claims. So to justify my failure, here goes:

The story starts with a narrator telling about the various parts an unnamed Psych. Ward. A new patient has checked in and he's managed to ruffle numerous patients' 'feathers'. The new patient is a gambler and tries to "get to know" everyone right away- setting himself in a position to manipulate others and draw unwanted attention (which seems to be his main purpose in life).

The narrator seems to be one of the patients, who is silent, but seemingly sound of mind (since he's telling the story). There are other random snippets thrown into the story explaining the seemingly evil Nurse Rachet and her minions, three Black orderlies. The tones of abuse started from the beginning with the orderlies taking unruly patients to the shower rooms, and I wasn't sure that I could handle more mind-numbing images of abuses of patients. So, I stopped. I quit, looking for something more uplifting like a weather-apocalypse book: Susan's Beth Pfeffer's "this world we live in," which is the third book in the "Life As We Knew It" series.

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